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ICT Goodness For Country

As for the country, ICT helps a lot in many kind of aspect such as development, money matters and most important of all is safety. Many development in our country today use many kinds of ICT technology. For example, the Petronas Twin Tower use computerized calculation on many side of it. As a result, it is now complete with flying colours.
          ICT also help to manage money matters of our country. ICT make it faster and more precise in printing and also calculation. ICT technology that involve in these sectors are money calculation machine and money printer. It is really hi-tech because the money is hard to be copy for fake.

 For the safety, special ICT technology has been used. Safety of a country is very
important. ICT has been used in military such as computerized system on the radar and machines. So, by the usage of  ICT in military system, our country safety is reliable.


ICT Goodness For Society

For society, ICT is good at many kind of services. As an example, ATM machine can make the fast and safe money withdrawal. So, people can easily get their money quick without standing in a long line in the bank like the old way.

Others than that, ICT is good for the society in mapping problem. With nowadays GPS technology, people especially the tourist will not lost. Then, we can see at many shopping complex nowadays has automatic door technology. By this kind of ICT technology, it can make the society more flexible and easy.

ICT Goodness For Individual

ICT is good for its usage, credidibility, speed of works and also for its way of its progression that really quick for upgrading. Individually, it is good for our daily works as simply for tasking until for internet exploration. It is common nowadays that ICT  is related to computers. But, there is more ICT gadgets such as:
  * Digital cameras
  * Handphones
These ICT materials can make one individual works easier and sometimes, the work's result is out of your mind.